Natalie Spicyn, MD, MHS
Medical Director of HIV Community Health Programs
Massiel Garcia, MBA
Program Director
Rhonda Carr
Peer Navigator
I started working in this field in 2012 because I wanted to make a difference with my community, to show my passion for others and to help them with the resources that were not available to me when I was growing up. I have seen so much with my friends and family losing lives. I vowed never to let one more person I love die because of lack of knowledge. I feel I owe this to my community and myself.
Sierra Cary - Brown
Community Outreach Coordinator
Upon graduating, I wanted to work in a community centered environment that strived for the health education, promotion, and prevention of underserved black communities in Baltimore.
After interning with JACQUES, I knew this was the place to be.
Jerrell Smith
Linkage to Care Navigator
I work for the JACQUES Initiative because I want see the end of the HIV epidemic. I also love helping people and seeing them get into care and get better. We all have a part to play in this and this is how I choose to fight
Walker Weinstein, RN
Linkage to care
I am a transmasculine nurse who is committed to improving the lives of trans* clients, people living with the challenge of HIV, and those with chronic illnesses. I work to meet the care coordination and nursing needs of hospitalized patients, providing linkage to care services for people living with HIV as they transition from the hospital to the community setting, while also working in the community to provide quality gender-affirming care to transgender and non-binary individuals.